Academic Freedom in 1960s and 1970s American Social Sciences

The Enemy Within: Academic Freedom in 1960s and 1970s American Social Sciences in History of Political Economy, 2010, 42(Supplement): 77-104.

(early abstract, but that does describe the subject)
Inspired by the sixties’ New Left, the civil rights and women’s liberation movements, social scientists labeling themselves “radicals” challenged the cultural norms of American society and of professional conduct. Left-wing in ideology and practice, the radicals staged protests in the campuses and experimented with new curricula and pedagogy. In the early to mid 1970s many radicals saw their contracts terminated or were otherwise denied tenure. Their response was to file complaints of political discrimination at the professional associations. The essay examines reports and correspondence from the American Association of University Professors, American Economic Association, American Political Science Association and American Sociological Association to compare each profession’s response to these allegations. This exam highlights differences between the disciplines’ definition of politics and its putative role in the classroom.

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