In the course of its lifetime the ECONPUBLIC project organized the following events, links are to a detailed description of each event on the project’s UCL webpage;

    “Social Reproduction and Everyday Economy” (2016)
    “Social Studies of the Economy” (2016)
    “The Regulation of Public Numbers” (2016)
    “Economics in Film” partnered with the British Film Institute (2015)
    “Half a day on FAZ: the History of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (2015)
    “175 Years of The Economist” (2015)
    “Brazilian Media and the Journalistic Field” (2015)
    “The text analysis of media text” (2015)
    “Economic Reason: Intellectuals and Think-Tanks in the Late 20th Century” (2013)
    “Interrogating Economics in the Public Sphere” (2013)